
almirah is a tool to organize, query, and summarize data. In this tutorial we will use almirah on a dummy test dataset that represents imaging data obtained from mice to illustrate some of its usecases. In case you have not installed almirah yet, please go to the Installing section and follow the instructions.

The dummy dataset that we will be using comes along with almirah and can be created at a convenient location using create_tutorial_dataset().

from almirah.utils import create_tutorial_dataset


The dataset contents can be listed using the tree command.

$ tree "path/to/store"
├── 72
│   ├── DAY01_G72_20180201.npy
│   └── DAY02_G72_20180202.npy
├── DAY01_G171_20180101.npy
├── Day2_171_20180102.npy
└── G433
    ├── DAY_G433_20180301.npy
    └── day02_G433_20180301.npy

3 directories, 6 files

The dataset is not formatted and is difficult to navigate as can be seen from content hierarchy. Let us attempt to change this.

Defining a Specification

The first step to all things almirah can do is defining the Specification details. To come up with a Specification for this dataset, let us think about how we would structure this dataset manually.

Deciding path patterns

We would prefer to navigate in the following order from the dataset root directory, mice -> day -> file. This is intuitive and leaves scope for expansion on new data generation. Based on this, the path relative to the dataset root would look like mice/day/file. The file name should contain the details of mice, day, and the type of imaging to uniquely identify it from others just using filename. For example, a nice file name would be mice-G433_day-01_imaging-calcium.npy.

The above decided path can be mentioned in the Specification details under the path_patterns key like:

  - "mice-{mice}/day-{day}/mice-{mice}_day-{day}_imaging-{imaging}{extension}"

Here, contents enclosed in {} represent that these are tag values. A File in almirah is associated with a bunch of tags. It is possible to provide more details on tags regarding valid values, the default value, and if the Tag is mandatory.

Building paths

Now that we have the basic Specification details, we can build valid paths by providing the required tags. The Specification details can either be stored as a YAML file and the Specification created using create_from_file(), or the contents can be passed directly as a dictionary via the details argument of Specification.

Tags are key:value pairs that convey an information regarding the file. For our decided path, the tags we require for path building are mice, day, imaging, and extension.

from almirah import Specification

# Create a Specification object
spec = Specification.create_from_file("/path/to/config")

# Check out paths built based on tags provided
spec.build_path(mice='G433', day='01', imaging='calcium', extension='.npy')
# mice-G433/day-01/mice-G433_day-01_imaging-calcium.npy

spec.build_path(mice='G41', imaging='calcium', extension='.npy')
# Returns None as no valid path be built using only these tags

Extracting tags from path

Certain times, we might need to extract tags from a path. For example, what is the mice tag or the day tag given the path? These can be provided as a sequence of name:regex pattern pairs under the tags key like:

  - name: mice
    pattern: "[/\\\\]mice-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"
  - name: day
    pattern: "[/\\\\]+day-([0-9]+)"
  - name: imaging
    pattern: "[_/\\\\]+imaging-([a-zA-Z]+)"
  - name: extension
    pattern: "[^./\\\\](\\.[^/\\\\]+)$"

The capturing group in the regex pattern extracts the tag value from the path.

Putting all of these together, we have our Specification details:

  - name: mice
    pattern: "[/\\\\]mice-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"
  - name: day
    pattern: "[/\\\\]+day-([0-9]+)"
  - name: imaging
    pattern: "[_/\\\\]+imaging-([a-zA-Z]+)"
  - name: extension
    pattern: "[^./\\\\](\\.[^/\\\\]+)$"
  - "mice-{mice}/day-{day}/mice-{mice}_day-{day}_imaging-{imaging}{extension}"

Organizing the dataset

With the Specification defined, it is now possible to restructure a dataset given that we are able to retrieve the tags required to build a valid path from each target file. If we are able to build a valid relative path, then it just boils down to just moving the file to that position with respect to the root directory. Lets us do this for our dataset.

Required parameters to begin organizing a dataset are:

  1. source: The root directory of unorganized data.

  2. destination: The directory where organized data will be stored.

  3. pattern: All filenames matching this pattern are considered for organizing. For our dataset, this can be *.npy.

Establishing tag rules

Let us consider all the file names in the dataset, namely:


We notice that the day tag value is at the beginning between the string day (ignoring case) and an _ (underscore). This can be extracted with the regex pattern (?i)day([0-9]+)_. But one of the files does not have any info on the day value and for this no value will be captured. Since we have exclusive information from the person who performed the experiments, we know it is 1 and by default if no value is captured we would like to choose this. Further, to maintain uniformity we would like to ensure that the length of day tag is 2, and if not prefix it with 0. Putting these together as a tag retrieval rule:

  - name: day
    pattern: "(?i)day([0-9]+)_"
    length: 2
    iffy_prefix: 0
    default: 1

Similarly, we see that the value following the first underscore gives the mice info. This can be extracted with the regex pattern _([a-zA-Z0-9]+)_. Since one of the files does not have the mice info beginning with the suffix G, we choose to extract only the numbers with the regex pattern using _G?([0-9]+)_ and prepend it with G. Putting these together as a rule:

  - name: mice
    pattern: "_G?([0-9]+)_"
    prepend: G

There is no value for the imaging tag in path but we know that it is calcium imaging data, so let us set all values to calcium. And similarly, let extension be .npy.

  - name: imaging
    value: calcium
  - name: extension
    value: npy

Putting these together, we get our organization rules config:

source: "/path/to/unorganized/data"
destination: "/path/to/store/organized/data"
pattern: "*.npy"
  - name: day
    pattern: "(?i)day([0-9]+)_"
    length: 2
    iffy_prefix: 0
    default: 1
  - name: mice
    pattern: "_G?([0-9]+)_"
    prepend: G
  - name: imaging
    value: calcium
  - name: extension
    value: npy

Executing the rules

To run this set of rules and obtain the organized dataset, we can use organize().

from almirah.utils import read_yaml

# Load rules into dictionary
rules = read_yaml("/path/to/rules")

# Execute rules and use Specification for path building

Listing the contents of the organized dataset using tree after the run gives:

├── mice-G72
│   ├── day-01
│   │   └── mice-G72_day-01_imaging-calcium.npy
│   └── day-02
│       └── mice-G72_day-02_imaging-calcium.npy
├── mice-G171
│   ├── day-01
│   │   └── mice-G171_day-01_imaging-calcium.npy
│   └── day-02
│       └── mice-G171_day-02_imaging-calcium.npy
└── mice-G433
    ├── day-01
    │   └── mice-G433_day-01_imaging-calcium.npy
    └── day-02
        └── mice-G433_day-02_imaging-calcium.npy

This is much easier to navigate and structured. Along with this comes the bonus of being able to query the dataset once indexed. In almirah, a collection of files with a common root directory form a Layout and a collection of layouts form a Dataset.


Tags associated with files can help in filtering through the dataset. We can retrieve a subset of files that satisfy certain tags. An operation called indexing makes this possible.

The indexing operation

In brief, the indexing operation on a Layout or a Dataset crawls top-down from the root directory and figures out the tag:file associations. These associations are stored and used while querying to filter through the dataset. Additional associations for a file excluding tags present in the path can be provided with an accompanying JSON file that shares the same filename. Indexing is performed by index().

To index our tutorial dataset:

from almirah import Layout

# Create a Layout instance with data path and Specification
layout = Layout(root="/path/to/organized/data", specification_name=spec.name)

# <Layout root: '/path/to/organized/data'>

The returned instance does not yet have all details of files in it and tags for each file. For this, it has to be indexed.

# Index the Layout with tags mentioned in Specification
print(f"Files in layout: {len(layout.files)}")
# Files in layout: 6

print(f"The first file is {layout.files[0]}.")
# The first file is <File path=`/path/to/file`>.


Before Layout creation, it is required that a Specification be created. The specification_name argument checks for the index to retrieve the Specification. This can be achieve like so:

With this, we can start querying in multiple ways.

Filtering with tags

Once indexed, the instance can be queried with query() using tag values. For example, retrieve all files of mice G171 where recording was done on day 02.

layout.query(mice='G171', day='02')
# ['/root/mice-G171_day-01_imaging-calcium.npy',
#  '/root/mice-G171_day-02_imaging-calcium.npy']

A list of File objects is returned. These can be utilised for further downstream analysis pipelines.

More components!!

Great! Now, we have organized a dataset and made it query-able. Though, we have used the word dataset liberally so far, in almirah, a Dataset and Layout are conceptually different.

A Layout is a collection of files in a directory that follow a Specification. A collection of Layouts make up a Dataset. These Layouts are said to be the components of the Dataset.

Now, with this in mind, we can see that we organized the tutorial dataset into a Layout. If we have more Layouts related to the project, we can collect them under a Dataset.

from almirah import Dataset

# Create a Dataset
dataset = Dataset(name="tutorial")

# Add out previous Layout to the Dataset

# If you have more, you can add them too

Operations performed on a Layout like indexing and querying can be performed on a Dataset too using index() and query(). These will perform the operation on all the components of the dataset.


Objects like Dataset and Layout are not written to the index by default. If you would like your objects to be persistent, you will have to write to the index by invoking commit()

Databases as components

Often, datasets have relevant information stored in databases. If we miss out on these, the dataset is not complete. Worry not, a Database can be added as a component to a Dataset. Further, Database can be queried to retrieve records using query() too. Queries with the parameter table to a Dataset are directed to its component databases only. Connection to the Database has to be established using connect() during each Python session. This is because, the index does not store usernames and passwords for security reasons.

from almirah import Database

# Create a Database instance for a mysql db 'tutorial' running locally
db = Database(name="tutorial", host="", backend="mysql")
db.connect(username, password)

# Add db to Dataset

A Database by SQLAlchemy is in connection mode. An alternative to this, is the request mode. This is only applicable for retrieving records and not other operations. To set this mode on object creation, provide the parameter backend="request":

# Create a Database in 'request' mode
db = Database(name="tutorial", host="", backend="request")

# Connect to end point
db.connect(username, password)

In this mode, queries are sent as POST requests with appropriate authentication header to the url endpoint and the response is chosen as the result. For this to work, you should have setup a url endpoint on the server that the Database instance is running on and setup appropriate authentication on host/authenticate to return a token. This url endpoint processes the request appropriately, and returns the records as a response in JSON. One way this can be achieved is by extracting POST request keys and passing them as arguments to query() in the view that handles requests to the url endpoint.

Another mode of operation, deals with data in Google sheets. Here, each spreadsheet is treated as the Database and each worksheet in the spreatsheet is analogous to a table. To read data from sheets, set backend="gsheet" and to connect provide the keyfile.


Please have a look at the Create service account keys section of Google workspace docs to create a keyfile.

# Create Database in 'gsheet' mode
db = Database(name='any name', host='gsheet url', backend='gsheet')

# Connect to gsheet via Google API
db.connect(keyfile='/path to keyfile')


Only databases supported by SQLAlchemy are functional via almirah for operations other than reading.

Other capabilities

This tutorial is a quick run-through some of the things almirah can help with. There are other things it can do:

  • Migrate database records from one schema to another

  • Interface with DataLad compatible datasets

Please look up API Reference if you need these. If there is a feature you would like, but almirah does not support it yet, please do consider raising a request or Contributing.