Specification details

A Specification is a agreed-upon standard that describes how a dataset should be organized. It includes the file paths allowed, the tags associated with a file, and their role in file name generation. This document will detail how to provide each of this options.

A minimal configuration of tags for a dataset looks like this:

  - name: filename
    pattern: "[/\\\\](.*)\\."
  - name: extension
    pattern: "(\\.[^/\\\\]+)$"
  - "{filename}{extension}"

Using the above minimal specification for path building with build_path():

# Build path according to specification with tags as parameters
path = specification.build_path(filename="file", extension=".txt")

# Print the built path.
# file.txt

Top-level keys


All details regarding permissible tags sit inside the tags key. The tags key consists of a sequence of name and pattern entries.


The name of the tag.


Regex pattern to retreive the tag value from file path.

It is required to have a mandatory single capturing group in the pattern. The captured value is used as the tag value.


All details regarding permissible file paths sit inside the path_patterns key. The path_patterns key consists of a sequence of paths relative to the dataset root. Usage of tag values in paths is supported.

A path can contain both template and ordinary patterns. The template patterns are:


Used to indicate that the contents are optional.

The path /dir[/subdir]/file will match both /dir/file and dir/subdir/file.


Used to indicate that the template will be filled in by a tag value.

name refers to the name of the tag, values refers to the set of valid values separated by |, and default refers to the default value that is chosen while building path name from tags associated. values and default are optional.

The path /dir/{filename<file1|file2>|file1} will match /dir/file1 and /dir/file2 but not /dir/file3. If no filename tag is provided during path building, file1 is chosen as the default.