Organization rules

To organize an unformatted dataset according to a specification, user instructions are required. These can be mentioned as rules using supported keywords. This document will list all supported rules that will support the organization task. Multiple dataset rules can be mentioned in a single config by separating them with ---.

A minimal rule config to copy all files but one looks like this:

source: "/path/to/data"
destination: "/path/to/destination"
pattern: ".*"
  - name: filename
    pattern: "(.*)\\."
  - name: extension
    pattern: "(\\.[^/\\\\]+)$"
  - ignore_this_file

The above rules can be used to organize a dataset with organize():

# Organize according to a specification

Top-level keys


The root directory where data is present.


The directory in which to store the organized data.


All source directory contents matching this will be considered for organization.


Boolean value indicating whether to overwrite data if exists.


Add common files directly to each matched source directory content. The add key consists of a sequence of path and position entries.


Path to the common file.


Position at which to add the common file.

Valid values are content and fellow. They place the file to be added either inside or at the same level as the matched source directory content respectively.


Boolean value indicating whether to copy other files present at the same directory level.


Sequence of paths to ignore.


All details regarding inferring tags from filenames in the source directory sit inside the tag_rules key. The tags inferred are used for building the path according to the specification. The tag_rules key consists of a sequence of tag name and pattern entries along with valid rules for each tag.


The name of the tag.


Regex pattern to retreive the tag value from file path.

It is required to have a mandatory single capturing group in the pattern. The captured value is used as the tag value if it passes the rules.

The valid rules that can be used are:


The default value to use if no value is captured via pattern.


Accepts either upper or lower and accordingly changes the case of the value captured.


Mentions the valid length of captured string.

If iffy_prepend is provided, the value is validated again post prefix addition.


If the length of the captured string does not equal the length rule, then the iffy_prepend value is added as a prefix to the captured value.


Left pad the captured string using character till it is of length.

Takes a mapping of scalars to scalars with character and length as keys.


The value to use for the tag. Overrides captured values if necessary.


If provided, the tag value is replaced by looking up a one-to-one mapping from a csv file.

Takes a sequence of mappings with keys col, with, and from to form the rule.


Column name in the mapping that represents the tag. This will be looked up.


Column name in the mapping that will be used to replace the value.


Path to the mapping csv file.


If a mandatory tag cannot be inferred from the file path, then path building fails and the file is not added to the organized dataset. More info on the tag that could not be inferred can be found in logs.