Source code for almirah.specification

"""Define the specification for the dataset."""

import re
import os
import logging
import pandas as pd

from string import Formatter

from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapped_column

from sqlalchemy_json import NestedMutableJson

from .core import Base
from .core import uniquify
from .indexer import index

from .utils.gen import copy
from .utils.gen import filename
from .utils.gen import read_yaml
from .utils.gen import get_dir_contents


[docs] @uniquify(index) class Specification(Base): """Generic specification representation.""" __tablename__ = "specifications" __identifier_attrs__ = {"name"} name: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(primary_key=True, nullable=False) details: Mapped[list[str]] = mapped_column(NestedMutableJson, nullable=False) def __init__(self, *, name, details): = name self.details = details
[docs] def build_path(self, strict=True, **tags): """ Construct path given a set of tags. Parameters ---------- strict : bool If True, the tags provided should exactly match the requirements. If False, extra tags are ignored and the first matching path is built. tags : key, value mappings name:value tag pairs used for path building. Returns ------- path : str The constructed path if successful, else `None`. """ path_patterns = self.details.get("path_patterns") logging.debug(f"Building path with tags : {tags}") # Remove none values tags = {k: v for k, v in tags.items() if v or v == 0} # Work with extension with or without . if "extension" in tags: ext = tags.get("extension") tags["extension"] = ext if ext.startswith(".") else "." + ext # Attempt to match pattern with tags and return first match for pattern in path_patterns: path = pattern matches = _TAG_PATTERN_TEMPLATE.findall(pattern) # Do not tamper with tags provided so that # it can be used for other patterns tags_copy = tags.copy() # Skip if strict set and all tags not matched if strict and set(tags_copy.keys()) - set([t[1] for t in matches]): continue # Validate and fill in missing tags with default value for subpat, name, valid_vals, default in matches: valid = [v for v in valid_vals.split("|")] if valid and name in tags_copy and tags_copy[name] not in valid: continue if name not in tags_copy and default: tags_copy[name] = default if valid and default and default not in valid: raise ValueError(f"Inconsistent default in pattern {subpat}") # Simplify path path = path.replace(subpat, "{%s}" % name) # Keep or remove optional tags optional_patterns = re.findall(r"(\[.*?\])", path) for op in optional_patterns: optional_tag = re.findall(r"\{(.*?)\}", op)[0] path = ( path.replace(op, op[1:-1]) if optional_tag in tags_copy.keys() else path.replace(op, "") ) # Find fields available in path fields = [f[1] for f in Formatter().parse(path)] # Proceed only if all field data available if set(fields) - set(tags_copy.keys()): continue # Fill in the fields path = path.format_map(tags_copy) return path return None
[docs] @staticmethod def create_from_file(path): """Create Specification from yaml file.""" n, d = filename(path), read_yaml(path) spec = Specification(name=n, details=d) index.add(spec) return spec
[docs] def extract_tags(self, path): """Return tag:value pairs based on file path.""" t = {} for tag in self.details.get("tags"): val = re.findall(tag["pattern"], path) if val: t[tag["name"]] = val[0] return t
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, **identifiers): d = identifiers.pop("details", None) obj = index.get(cls, **identifiers) if obj and d and obj.details != d: return None return obj
[docs] def organize(self, rules): """ Create organized copy of source directories based on defined rules. Parameters ---------- rules : dict Dictionary describing instructions for organizing. """ # Check for required keys for mandatory_key in [ "source", "destination", "pattern", "tag_rules", ]: if mandatory_key not in rules: raise KeyError(f"Expected '{mandatory_key}' key in rule.") src = rules.get("source") dst = rules.get("destination")"Organizing {src} based on {} -> {dst}") overwrite = rules.get("overwrite", False) if overwrite: logging.warning("Overwrite set: Existing files will be overwritten") add = rules.get("add", None) for a in add or []:"File {a['path']} will be added as {a['position']}.") logging.debug(f"Matching contents with pattern {rules.get('pattern')}") # Organize files matching pattern using rules matches = get_dir_contents(src, rules["pattern"], rules.get("skip", None)) for file in matches or []:"Found match with file {file}") # Extract tags for file tags = {} for rule in rules.get("tag_rules"): tag_name = rule.get("name") logging.debug(f"Foraging for {tag_name} tag") if "value" in rule: val = rule.get("value") tags[tag_name] = val logging.debug(f"Setting tag with {val}") else: match = re.findall(rule.get("pattern"), file) if match and len(match) != 1: logging.warning("Expected single match, found more.") # Choose last match always val = match[-1] if match else None logging.debug(f"Matching with pattern yields {val}") if "prepend" in rule and val: val = "".join([str(rule.get("prepend")), val]) logging.debug(f"Prepending tag value to get {val}") if "length" in rule and val and len(val) != rule.get("length"): if "iffy_prepend" in rule: logging.debug("Insufficient length, prepending") val = "".join([str(rule.get("iffy_prepend")), val]) if len(val) != rule.get("length"): logging.debug("Tag value of insufficient length") val = None if "pad" in rule and val: pad_args = rule["pad"] val = val.rjust(pad_args["length"], str(pad_args["character"])) if c := rule.get("case") in ["lower", "upper"] and val: val = val.lower() if c == "lower" else val.upper() if "default" in rule and not val: val = rule.get("default") logging.debug(f"Using default value of {val} for tag") if "padding" in rule and val: pad = rule.get("padding") # Set defaults direction = (pad.get("direction", "left"),) char = (pad.get("char", "0"),) length = pad["length"] if direction == "left": val.rjust(length, char) elif direction == "right": val.ljust(length, char) if "replace" in rule and val: rep = rule.get("replace") col, with_, from_ = [rep[x] for x in ["col", "with", "from"]]"File {from_} will be used to map tag values") mapping = pd.read_csv(from_, dtype=str) # TODO: Modularize below code snippet m = mapping.where(mapping[col] == val).dropna() if len(m) == 0: logging.error(f"No mapping found for {val}") continue if len(m) > 1: logging.error(f"Expected unique map for {val}, found many") continue val = m[with_].values[0] if not val: logging.error(f"Value for {tag_name} tag not found in {file}.")"File marked with {tag_name}:{val} tag") tags.update({tag_name: val}) # Warning, clunky code ahead. To be made better rel_path = self.build_path(**tags) if not rel_path: logging.error("Unable to build destination path for file") continue new_path = os.path.join(dst, rel_path)"Target destination path is {new_path}") copy(file, new_path, overwrite)"Moved file to target") if add: for addition in add: if addition["position"] == "content": addition_path = os.path.join( new_path, os.path.basename(addition["path"]) ) elif addition["position"] == "fellow": addition_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(new_path), addition["path"] ) else: raise ValueError( "Expected position to be either content or fellow" ) copy(addition["path"], addition_path, overwrite)"Added addition at {addition_path}") if not rules.get("copy_fellows", False): continue # Find fellows"Initiating copying of fellow files") fellows = [ f.path for f in os.scandir(os.path.dirname(file)) if != os.path.basename(file) and not f.is_dir() ]"Found {len(fellows)} fellows accompanying the file") for fellow in fellows: # Tag changes for fellow"Changing tags for fellow {fellow}") tags_copy = tags.copy() tags_copy.update({"extension": os.path.splitext(fellow)[1]}) for rule in rules.get("rename_rules", []): if re.findall(rule.get("target"), fellow): tag_val = rule.get("suffix") tags_copy.update({"suffix": tag_val})"File marked with suffix:{tag_val} tag") # Copy fellow files rel_path = self.build_path(**tags_copy) if not rel_path: logging.error(f"Unable to build destination path for file {file}") continue new_path = os.path.join(dst, rel_path)"Target destination path is {new_path}") copy(fellow, new_path, overwrite)
@property def tags(self): """Return list of tags defined in the specification.""" return [t.get("name") for t in self.details.get("tags")]
[docs] def validate_path(self, path): """Return True if path is valid according to specification.""" tags = self.extract_tags(path) if self.build_path(**tags) == path: return True return False
def __repr__(self): return f"<Specification name: '{}'>"