Source code for almirah.utils.logging

"""Logging utility functions."""

import logging
import pandas as pd
from typing import List, Union

[docs] def log_df( df: pd.DataFrame, msg: str, hide: Union[List[str], str] = [], level: int = logging.ERROR, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Log DataFrame records with a message. Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame DataFrame to be logged. msg: str Log message compatible with string formatting. hide: list-like or scalar, optional Sensitive column or columns to hide. level: int, optional Logging level to use. Accepts logging.LEVEL values. kwargs: key, value mappings Other keyword arguments are passed to `str.format()`. """ if not df.empty: logging.log(level, msg + "\n%s", df.drop(columns=hide).to_string(), **kwargs)
[docs] def log_col( series: pd.Series, msg: str, hide: bool = False, level: int = logging.ERROR, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Log column values with a message. Parameters ---------- series : pd.Series Series to be logged. msg : str Log message compatible with string formatting. hide : bool, optional If True, hides the values of the series. level : int, optional Logging level to use. Accepts logging.LEVEL values. kwargs : key, value mappings Other keyword arguments are passed to `str.format()`. """ if hide: series = series.index.to_series()"Column values will not be displayed as hide set") if not series.empty: logging.log(level, msg + "\n%s", series.to_string(), **kwargs)